A name is the main identity that is owned by everything, be it inanimate objects or living things. A name implies something that is owned, and of course has its own origins. Like the name in every faculty at Ganesha University of Education. Initially, Ganesha University of Education had 6 faculties, but along with the development and the number of outputs produced, Ganesha University of Education finally built a Faculty of Economics and Business which consists of 5 majors, namely, Economics Education major (bachelor programme), Accounting (association programme), Hospitality (association prograame), Accounting and Management (bachelor programme). Initially, the Department of Economics Education and Accounting (for association programme) were under the auspices of the Faculty of Social Sciences. However, the number of students interested in the socio-economic major is increasing, so in 2012 an initiative emerged to build a new faculty, namely the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB).


In 2015 it was changed to the Faculty of Economics (FE). The name change was based on the last decision of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education regarding the expansion of the LPTK or Lembaga Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan (Institute of Teacher Education) mandate. The reason is, there are two types of universities, namely pure universities and LPTK (IKIP or Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (Institute of Teacher Training and Education) which can now also be referred to as universities and Ganesha Education University, including those that tend to have human resource outputs who work as educators or teachers. The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) changed its shorter name to the Faculty of Economics (FE), equipped with one Head of Division and two Heads of Sub-section. This change has also been approved for inclusion in the OTK or Organisasi dan Tata Kerja (Organization Working Procedure), through the coordination of related components at the Directorate General of Higher Education, along with the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (Kemen PAN-RB). Changes were also based on all universities based on IKIP or LPTK, all FEB names were changed to FE. On this basis, the name of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) was later changed to the Faculty of Economics (FE). Meanwhile, FEB is the name of the faculty that is supervised by a pure university.

The name change from FEB to FE is the government’s own policy and decision. The change of name from FEB to FE actually did not cause a significant impact, instead it increased the scope of FE to be wider. This is because, apart from being able to produce practitioners who come from pure science, such as FEB at pure universities, FE also produces educators or teachers according to their spirit as LPTKs. So that until now FE has many quality graduates who are really needed by the Indonesian people. (team)