The Faculty of Economics, Ganesha Education University (Undiksha) again held a graduation ceremony for graduates and female graduates on Wednesday, March 24, 2021. The graduation event, which was carried out using a combination of online and offline, was held exactly two days before the University Graduation event was held. Offline, this graduation ceremony was held in room C1, Undiksha Faculty of Economics, which was attended directly by the leadership of the Faculty of Economics, as well as 10 representatives of graduates and female graduates with cum laude predicate. The number of graduates and postgraduates who were released on this occasion totaled 162 people, with details of 103 people from the Bachelor of Management Study Program, 40 people from the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program, and 19 people from the Bachelor of Economics Education Study Program. Most of the graduates and female graduates took part in the graduation procession from their respective residences online via the Zoom media platform.
In his speech, Mr. Dr. Gede Adi Yuniarta, S.E., M.Si., Ak as Dean of the Undiksha Faculty of Economics advised that Faculty of Economics graduates can always compete in the world of work. He emphasized that the current conditions in the world of work are slightly different from the theoretical exposure obtained in college so graduates are always expected to be able to adapt and develop themselves further so that they can compete in the world of work. Apart from that, the Dean hopes that graduates who have not yet had the opportunity to join the world of work will develop an entrepreneurial spirit so that they do not just wait for work but open up the world of work for others. This is very important because it can help government programs and contribute to society and families. At the end of his speech, Belia reminded Undiksha Faculty of Economics graduates to always maintain the good name of their alma mater wherever they are.
The event closed with awards to graduates with the highest GPA. In the March 2021 period, a graduate from the Bachelor of Management Study Program in the name of Putu Putri Indah Sriani received an award as Top Graduate with a GPA of 3.93. Overall, the event to send off graduates and female graduates ran smoothly and the committee and participants always implemented health protocols in every session of the event. (team)