• Academic Guidance is the guidance provided by the Academic Advisor to students in the academic field during their studies.
  • The purpose of Academic Guidance is, among others, to provide assistance and advice to students in programming their courses and to provide continuous supervision for the smooth running of student studies.
  • Academic activities include consultations between Academic Advisor and students in filling out the KRS or Kartu Rencana Studi (Card of Study Plan), when students have difficulty in their studies, and other matters related to the progress of teaching and learning
  • Academic Advisor duties and responsibilities
    • Provide explanations and instructions to students about their study plans.
    • Provide advice and guidance to students about good ways of studying in completing their studies.
    • Provide advice to students in choosing courses according to their study program.
    • Assist students in preparing their study plans to choose the right courses and according to their abilities, interests, and educational goals.
    • Research the causes and give approval for changes to the student's study plan.
    • Finding, compiling, and secretly storing the students he supervises.
    • Provide reports and recommendations about students being mentored when needed.
    • Give warnings to students with low achievement.
    • Provide sufficient time to consult with students (at least 4 times in 1 semester).
    • Student relationship with Academic Advisor
    • In accordance with the duties and responsibilities of the Academic Advisor, students are expected to make the best use of the advisor function.
    • Academic Advisor replacement is possible with the approval of head of department.
  • Student relationship with Academic Advisor
    1. In accordance with the duties and responsibilities of the Academic Advisor, students are expected to make the best use of the advisor function.'
    2. Academic advisor replacement is possible with the approval of head of department
  • Understanding Guidance and Counseling Services is the process of providing continuous and systematic assistance to students in order to achieve self-understanding, self-acceptance, self-direction and self-realization in achieving an optimal level of development and adjustment in the environment.
  • In general, Guidance and Counseling aims for every student to achieve the following three things.
    1. Academically, can achieve optimal development.
    2. Psychologically can achieve development marked by maturity and personal health.
    3. Socially, can achieve adjustment and have social skills independently.
  • Guidance and counseling services that can be implemented include:
    1. Guidance of individuals or groups of credit systems, how to use the library, how to study effectively, the decision-making process and career guidance.
    2. Individual/group testing.
    3. Individual/group counseling and consultation.
  • The stages of guidance and counseling services are as follows.
    1. Students who have problems can contact or can go directly to the UPT or Unit Pelaksana Teknis (Unit of Technical Implementation) counseling guidance service.
    2. Academic Advisor seeks to identify and help solve problems.
    3. If the problem cannot be resolved, the academic advisor refers to the UPT for counseling guidance services.
  • Other guidance referred to as seminar guidance, KKL or Kuliah Kerja Lapangan (job training) guidance, KKN or Kuliah Kerja Nyata (Community Service Programme) guidance, BKA or Bimbingan Karir Alternatif (alternative career guidance)
  • The seminar guidance is arranged by the Head of the Study Program with reference to the thesis guidance process.
  • Guidance for PPL, KKL, KKN and BKA is regulated in a special guide book.