From an economic point of view, entrepreneur experience is in existence which reflects 3 advantages in entrepreneurship, namely: 1)marketable reflected in the product produced being accepted by society and having a potential market because it is a product that is very necessary and useful for many people, 2)profitable reflected in the ability to generate profits, understanding the concept of appropriate business financial governance, and the ability to manage resources optimally to produce economic results, and 3)sustainable This is reflected in the existence of this business which does not only run in a matter of days or months but can run for more than 1 year.
Keterujianentrepreneur FE Undiksha youth not only resulted in this achievement, entrepreneurs The youth of FE Undiksha have even been able to fly the flag of their success through obtaining awards in the field of entrepreneurship some of which are related to Model Canvas, Feasibility Studies SROI, andfinance. Entrepreneur Young FE Undiksha also managed to graduate inentrepreneurship certification which is internationally recognized. All forms of primary testing to become a successful entrepreneur are what cause government agencies and successful entrepreneur organizations to look at the entrepreneur young FE Undiksha to later become construction they include, among others, by Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN), Department of Trade, Industry and SME Cooperatives. Entrepreneur Undiksha FE young people who are under the guidance of Kadin and the UKM Dagperinkop Service are also members of the management and members of YES (Young Entrepreneur Association) FE Undiksha which consists of 285 active students who are registered in groups according to business fields. The potential possessed by the entrepreneur The youth of FE Undiksha have become an attraction for Kadin and the UKM Dagperinkop Service to equate them with successful entrepreneur organizations such as HIPMI, WMS, and IWAPI. The UKM Dagperinkop Service even involved entrepreneur young FE Undiksha in the event UKM ECHO with the concept of the SME exhibition as a place for successful entrepreneurs to gather and show the results of their superior products. There is no doubt that the perseverance, resilience, and understanding of the concept of entrepreneurship that Undiksha FE students possess have been the key to success for them in becoming entrepreneurs’ superior youth. (team)
Nb: Business products from entrepreneur Young FE Undiksha can be accessed on the link