Located in Building C1, Undiksha Faculty of Economics, the annual working meeting of the Faculty of Economics was held on Tuesday 23 January 2018. The 2019 fiscal year working meeting had the theme “For Undiksha Jaya, United to Serve Building and Creativity”. This activity aims to seek planning related to strategic issues that have been ongoing throughout 2017 which must be evaluated in 2018 and will be used as a reference/study for budget management in 2019.
Opened by Prof. Dr. Naswan Suharsono, M.Pd., as Dean of the Faculty of Economics, the working meeting was attended by the dean of the Faculty of Economics, head of a department, secretary of the department, head of the department lab, head of BEM, head of HMJ, and representatives of lecturers from each department.
The working meeting activity, which began with a report from the chairman of the committee, was filled with a general program presentation by the dean, followed by commission meetings for each field (leadership policy field, academic field, household field, and student affairs field) as well as the presentation of the results of each commission. The activity closed with a plenary meeting.
In general, there were no significant changes in lengthy discussions or frictions in the commission and plenary meetings. Even though the FE budget in 2019 was a decrease compared to previous years, it did not become a significant problem in the discussion session in this activity.
“With this activity, it is hoped that the entire academic community of the Faculty of Economics can synergize, work together, always be united, open in sharing information and communication so that it runs smoothly, and we can improve the obstacles we face in the future,” said I Putu Gede Parma, S.ST.Par., M.Par, as chairman of the work meeting organizer and Deputy Dean II of the Faculty of Economics. (win)