“To become an excellent and entrepreneurial-minded Vocational Accounting Study Program based on the Tri Hita Karana philosophy in Asia in 2045”.
- Organizing vocational programs to produce dignified, competitive, collaborative, and characterized human resources in accounting
- Conducting dignified, competitive, collaborative, and characterized research in accounting
- Carrying out community service that is dignified, competitive, collaborative, and has character in accounting
- Organizing mutually beneficial cooperation and partnerships with other universities, related agencies, business and industry in accounting
- Develop an independent entrepreneurial culture
- Produce middle accounting technicians or professional middle experts in the accounting field who are qualified: have the knowledge and skills to carry out practical work in accounting as design, implementation, supervision and management on the basis of general concepts
- Produce academic studies in accounting with environmental insight based on local potential
- Producing Associate Technicians/Accountants, Middle Managers in Accounting, Accounting System Designers, and Independent Entrepreneurs for progress and prosperity.
- The creation of good cooperation and partnerships with government agencies, the business world or other institutions to improve the quality of graduates
Graduates Profile
- Intermediate Technician/Accounting
- Associate Manager of Accounting
- Accounting System Design
- Independent Entrepreneur
Technicians who are able to master the theoretical concepts of accounting and have the ability to complete a wide range of work in the field which is their applied field by choosing the appropriate method from a variety of choices that are already or not standardized by analyzing related data
Managers who are able to master the theoretical concepts of accounting and are able to evaluate and supervise the achievement of work results in the accounting field include their responsibilities both as members and or leaders of working groups.
Design systems that master the concept of accounting information systems, internal control systems for various entities, and are able to take advantage of technological developments in the preparation of financial reports, including the use of accounting software in the preparation of financial statements of various entities.
Entrepreneurs who are able to master the concepts of marketing, financial management and able to prepare business establishment plans in the form of business feasibility studies which include: legal aspects, technical aspects, marketing aspects, management aspects and financial aspects.