The island of Bali is one of the regions of Indonesia which is located in a tropical climate area with two seasons, namely drought and rainy, so that it has the characteristics of extreme changes in weather, temperature and wind direction. These climatic conditions combined with the relatively diverse surface topography and rock conditions, both physically and chemically, result in fertile soil conditions. On the other hand, this condition can cause several bad consequences for humans such as the occurrence of various disasters such as floods, landslides, forest fires and droughts.
Disasters are basically difficult to predict with certainty their strength. Departing from this uncertainty, a business organization will also experience difficulties in estimating the risks and impacts on business continuity in the event of a disaster. The best solution to manage uncertainty and potential loss in a business risk triggered by a disaster is to use a risk management approach, one of which is the preparation of a business continuity plan. This condition prompted the BNPB or Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (National Disaster Management Agency) together with the Bali Province KADIN or Kamar Dagang dan Industri (Chamber of Commerce and Industry) to introduce the Business Continuity Plan (BCP) as a facility for micro, small, medium and large business organizations periodically in tackling disasters that will later occur. occur.
As one of KADIN’s partner institutions in providing education, literacy and business development socialization for young entrepreneurs, the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha was officially invited to a two-day BCP preparation event, starting from Monday-Tuesday, May 23-24, 2022. In the preparation of the BCP, the Faculty of Economics was represented by 15 students who are members of the Young Entrepreneur Association (YES) and have run various business ventures in various places. The event, which was held at Trans Resort Bali, provided many benefits and knowledge for students on how to prepare a business continuity plan in mitigating natural disasters that would later occur. This is of course very important, so that students have an early readiness to carry out risk management in their business so that the business they run continues to exist and run even though one day a natural disaster occurs. Overall, this BCP preparation training activity can be followed smoothly and well by all students until the end of the event. (team)