Vision :
“To become an excellent study program in the field of economic education with an independent entrepreneurial spirit based on the Tri Hita Karana philosophy in Asia in 2045”
- Organizing educational and learning activities to produce quality human resources.
- Carry out research in the field of economic education to develop knowledge and insight in the field of economic education independently.
- Carry out community service in the fields of economy and entrepreneurship.
- Organizing cooperation with various parties in the regional and national scope.
- The study program organizes educational and learning activities to produce quality human resources.
- The study program conducts research in the field of economic education to develop knowledge and insight in the field of economic education independently.
- The study program carries out community service in the fields of economy and entrepreneurship.
- The study program collaborates with various parties in the regional and national scope.
Graduates Profile
- Educators who are able to: (1) master the principles and theories of education regarding methods, learning strategies applied in economic learning; (2) developing economics curriculum, planning, implementing and evaluating economic learning; (3) develop the potential of students in depth; (4) apply the basic principles of teaching at each level and educational unit (SMP, SMA and SMK) based on humanitarian values and human rights; (5) work in teams to solve educational and learning problems; (6) provide assistance to both parents and students who experience learning problems and (7) have a noble personality and strong character as educators. Professional educators have high pedagogic and scientific abilities in the field of economic education, and are able to manage learning in a creative, inspiring, innovative, challenging and motivating way.
- Entrepreneurs in the Field of Economic Education
- Economic Education Consultant/Researcher
- Economic Education Researcher
Educator in Economic Education
Entrepreneurs who are able to: (1) master the basic science of economics; (2) understand economics material broadly and deeply; (3) develop the relationship between basic and scientific concepts with subjects; (4) communicate effectively in spoken and written language; and (5) entrepreneurship (creative and innovative).
Consultants who are able to: (1) provide considerations in terms of curriculum development; (2) giving consideration in terms of the learning process; (3) giving consideration in terms of the learning process; (4) giving consideration in terms of learning management.
Researchers who are able to: (1) apply principles, laws, and basic scientific theories in everyday life; (2) conducting research or developing innovative works, as well as communicating research or works.