To introduce campus life for new students, on Friday 19 August 2022, the Student Organization in collaboration with UNDIKSHA Faculty of Economics lecturers again held an Introduction to Campus Life activity for New Students (PKKMB) within the Faculty of Economics. PKKMB is carried out offline in the courtyard of building C1, UNDIKSHA Faculty of Economics, with the theme “Creating UNDIKSHA Faculty of Economics Students who have a CLASSIC (Creative, Leadership, Supportive, Interactive, and Crareness) spirit”. The 2022 PKKMB activities are divided into 2 half-time activities, namely the morning half and the afternoon half. The mid-morning activities began with an opening ceremony at 08.00 WITA which began with singing the songs Indonesia Raya and Mars Undiksha, reading prayers, and giving a speech. The first speech was delivered by the Chair of the BEM Faculty of Economics who talked about students, where a student not only talks about how to be himself but talks about how a student becomes a human being and can humanize humans in all their meaning. The second speech was continued with a report from Mr. Gede Wira Kusuma, S.Pd., M.M. as Chair of the PKKMB Committee for the Faculty of Economics in 2022. In his speech, he explained that the PKKMB Faculty of Economics activities were held so that all new students were able to get to know and adapt to the environment of the Faculty of Economics so that an exclusive Faculty of Economics would be created. He also informed that this year’s PKKMB Faculty of Economics activities were attended by 938 participants consisting of 192 committees of 746 students from the Faculty of Economics. The final speech was delivered by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, UNDIKSHA, who in this case was represented by Mr. Gede Putu Agus Jana Susila, S.E., M.B.A as Deputy Dean III. At the end of his speech, Deputy Dean III symbolically pinned the ID Cards of the 2022 PKKMB Faculty participants to two new students who were then followed by all new students from the UNDIKSHA Faculty of Economics. After the opening ceremony, the event continued with the presentation of materials from the Deputy Deans. The first material was presented by Mr. Dr. I Putu Gede Diatmika, S.E. AK., M.Sc. as Deputy Dean II in charge of General Affairs and Finance. In giving the material he introduced the leadership ranks within the UNDIKSHA Faculty of Economics according to the organizational structure. Next, the second material was delivered by Mrs. Dr. Dra. Ni Made Suci, M.Sc. as Deputy Dean I in charge of academic affairs, and the Third Material was delivered by Deputy Dean III for Student Affairs Mr. Gede Putu Agus Jana Susila, S.E., MBA. After providing various materials from the Deputy Deans, the new students were given time to rest to prepare for further activities in the midday afternoon activities. The midday activities began with an introduction to the environment of the Faculty of Economics through a virtual video tour at 13.00 WITA and continued with providing leadership outreach and various activities. entertainment. The entertainment session featured various arts from each new student group until the end of the PKKMB activity time at 17.00 WITA. Overall, the PKKMB event for the Faculty of Economics ran smoothly and followed the Dean’s mandate as conveyed by Deputy Dean III, where all students of the Faculty of Economics will later be able to develop themselves and their character to become independent, superior, creative, and competitive individuals. (team)