Friday, May 28, 2021, the Faculty of Economics, Ganesha University of Education held a webinar to defend the state with the theme ” The Role of the Young Generation in the Implementation of State Defense and Nationalism “. The webinar was officially opened by Mr. Gede Putu Agus Jana Susila, SE, MBA as Vice Dean III of the Faculty of Economics. In his speech, he said that the insight of defending the country is very important for the entire academic community, especially students. The speech ended with three times hitting the gong as a symbol of the opening of the National Defense webinar.
The event continued with the presentation of the core material by Mr. Lt. Col. Inf. Muhammad Windra Lisdianto, SE, MIK as a Kodim or Komandan Distrik Militer (Commander of the Military) District 1609/Buleleng. In his presentation, Lt. Col. Inf. Muhammad Windra Lisdianto, SE, MIK said “State resilience is an obligation for all of us so that we must be able to optimize and synergize the capabilities we have according to our respective fields to realize national resilience. I hope that the younger generation, as the younger generation, are the nation’s main capital and asset, they can realize all of this by carrying out their duties and obligations in accordance with their own obliagtions. Let’s start with the abilities we have, as a first step, start with small things,” he concluded when conveying his hopes to the younger generation.
The webinar was officially closed by Mr. Gede Wira Kusuma, S.Pd., MM as Student Advisor for the BEM or Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (Student Executive Board) of the Faculty of Economics. The main message that can be taken from this event is that we as a young generation must be able to apply the ideas, we have so that we can play an active role in maintaining economic resilience, including the resilience of the state as a reserve component and a supporting component. In addition, we must also be able to improve character education and independent attitude so that we can become the nation’s proud young generation. Overall, the webinar, which was held virtual through the ZOOM Meeting and in person at the C1 Building, Faculty of Economics, Undiksha, went smoothly with the implementation of strict health protocols in every session of the activity. (team)