On Tuesday 16 February 2021, the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Economics, Ganesha Education University (Undiksha) again held a Student Deliberation (MUSMA) event for the 2021/2022 period. The event, which took place online, was opened directly by Mr. Dr. Gede Adi Yuniarta, S.E., M.Si., Ak., CA., CPA. as Dean of the Undiksha Faculty of Economics. In his speech, the Dean conveyed several messages that he hoped would be heard and absorbed by student organizations (Ormawa) in preparing work programs and overseeing their future service. He emphasized that everything faced in life always has an element of learning, just like a student organization which provides space to learn to organize, be creative, and lead. Apart from learning, the thing that is always eternal is change. So that ormawa must be able to be adaptive, and creative and provide solutions so that they can continue to develop. Even though student organizations act as leaders among students, remaining aware that there are still leaders above leaders and being clever in positioning yourself is key.
Apart from that, he advised on the importance of establishing and maintaining harmonious relationships between student organizations within the Faculty of Economics by combining events that have the same orientation to achieve time and performance efficiency as well as create larger and more centralized events. At the end of his speech, he advised students to remain focused on their respective sciences but still absorb other scientific fields to strengthen scientific content and competence in their science. A student is like someone who is learning to swim, so that someone can swim in the wide ocean, the most important thing is to keep swimming as well and as hard as possible. This is because only by practicing diligently will we be able to achieve the goals we want to achieve. He believes that the Faculty of Economics has the greatest potential in all aspects to achieve all targets set by Undiksha. By holding this Student Deliberation (MUSMA) event, it is hoped that it can create a solid, complete, and modern organizational foundation and guidelines. Apart from that, MUSMA can create a democratic climate at the student level of the Faculty of Economics, foster communicative relationships with the entire academic community within the Faculty of Economics, elect and determine the new Chair and Deputy Chair of the BEM of the Faculty of Economics and realize the regeneration of democratic and progressive leadership.
During this MUSMA event, the management of the BEM Faculty of Economics for the 2020/2021 term was also disbanded. This was marked by the direct handover of mementos by Mr. Gede Wira Kusuma, S.Pd., M.M. as Student Advisor for the Faculty of Economics, and this event was closed directly by Mr. Gede Putu Agus Jana Susila, S.E., M.B.A. as Deputy Dean III. Overall, the 2021 Faculty of Economics MUSMA event ran smoothly and successfully. (team)