The current conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic and increasingly open global competition have created many challenges that must be faced by every country. Business actors in every country must be able to compete by highlighting the various advantages of the resources they have to maintain an increase in the economic welfare of society. Business actors who have a competitive advantage are business actors who can truly empower their economic and human resources. Economic resources can be empowered if business actors have creative and innovative skills. The role of business actors, in this case entrepreneurs, in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is of course very important through efforts to create businesses that can absorb jobs, reduce poverty, achieve better health and welfare, help realize affordable and clean energy, and increase the level of their life. The government and universities have taken proactive steps in developing and instilling an entrepreneurial mindset through entrepreneurship education. The expected outcome is to become an independent entrepreneur. This condition is necessary so that the development process that maintains the sustainability of the social life of the community, development that maintains the quality of the environment, and development that is environmentally friendly can continue to run as it should.
Responding to this challenge, the Faculty of Economics, Ganesha Education University, is again holding an international seminar on Tourism, Economics, Accounting, Management, and Social Science (TEAMS). The international seminar, which was held on Friday and Saturday, 28-29 October 2022, is the seventh international seminar which is held regularly every year by inviting researchers and practitioners to share their studies and thoughts through article presentations to answer global problem challenges. In 2022, the TEAMS international seminar will take the theme“Entrepreneurial Challenges in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Target” by collaborating with seven well-known universities in Indonesia and professional associations as co-hosts. The seven universities and business associations involved include Petra Christian University Surabaya, Nusa Cendana University, Palangkaraya University, Yogyakarta State University, Riau Islamic University, PGRI Argopuro University Jember, Ngurah Rai University Denpasar and the Indonesian Council for Small Business (ICSB). Apart from collaborating with several universities and business associations, the 2022 TEAMS Seminar will certainly present resource persons who are very competent in developing sustainable development. Three speakers acted as keynote speakers including Dr. Sherrad Sahid Deputy Director of UKM-CESMED Universitas Kebangsaan Malaysia, Dr Khairul Annuar Kamaruddin from the University of Wollonggong in Dubai UAE, and Dr. A.A.N Yudha M. Mahardika from Ganesha Education University.
The TEAMS 2022 international seminar event began with a report from Dr. Lucy Sri Musmini as chief of the organizing committee and continued with the opening of the seminar by Prof. Dr. Gede Adi Yuniarta is also the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Ganesha Education University. After the opening ceremony, each resource person presented the material in the main session moderated by Dr. I Gusti Ayu Purnamawati who guided the discussion between the resource persons and the seminar participants which reached 500 people. The first resource person present, namely Dr Khairul Annuar Kamaruddin, presented material on the Challenges of Entrepreneurship to Achieving SDGs Targets, then continued by the second resource person, Dr. A.A.N Yudha M. Mahardika presented the material Pedawa Tourism Development A Narrative Inquiry, and the final resource person was Dr. Sherrad Sahid presented material on Shaping Students Entrepreneurial Mindset: What needs to be done? On the first day, there was also a parallel session which was divided into 4 rooms, where participants would listen to presentations from the five best papers (articles) for each room. Meanwhile, on the second day, there were presentations of the five best papers (articles) for each of the 4 rooms. Each room is guided by a moderator who will guide the presentation and discussion of the participants in the parallel session. Each participant’s article presented will later also be published in the national journal indexed SINTA 2, 3, and 4.
The TEAMS 2022 international seminar was officially closed by the Chief of Organizing Committees on Saturday 29 October 2022. Overall, the TEAMS 2022 international seminar, which was held in a hybrid manner, ran smoothly and according to the committee’s plans. The smooth implementation of this TEAMS International seminar cannot be separated from the support of partnerships including the Buleleng Regency Government, the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, ICMA, and the Young Entrepreneur Association, Faculty of Economics, Ganesha Education University. (team)