On Tuesday 19 May 2020, the Undiksha sharing program was implemented with the theme “Understanding Economic Policy in Times of Crisis (Exp. Covid-19). Present as the sole speaker on this theme was Mr. Dr. Gede Adi Yuniarta, S.E., Ak., M.Si who also serves as Plt. Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Ganesha Education University. The Undiksha sharing program which was packaged through the YouTube media platform has been watched by almost 6000 people and provides an understanding that we must always think positively for all parties in facing economic problems during the Covid 19 pandemic. We must fully support all government policies in the economic sector, both in the form of fiscal and monetary policies, so that Indonesia’s overall economic condition can recover quickly. This Undiksha sharing program can be watched via the link https://youtu.be/nxz3EXZdht0. (web team)